About | Mount Manaia Track

2 hours | 4km return

The Mount Manaia Track works it’s way up, 420m above sea level where you can enjoy a very rewarding view of the Whangarei Harbour, Bream Head, Taranga and the Marotere islands (Hen and Chicken Islands).

There are lots of steps to conquer as you build your way up but take it slow, take breaks and you’ll get there! The final steps make your way up to the highest accessible point where you start to realise just how high you are! Keep a close eye on your children here.

Though most of the Mount Manaia Track is relatively safe, as you get higher and to the top, there are parts where it drops off and there are no barriers so please keep an eye on your children.

Bring water and a few snacks for the kids.



Smuggler’s Bay Loop Track 

Te Whara Track

Ocean Beach



There’s a relatively big carpark by the Mount Manaia Club along Whangarei Heads Road. The Mount Manaia Track starts from there.



Walking up the Mount Manaia Track we could see little glimpses of the amazing view that we’d get at the top. It had started to drizzle and we weren’t sure whether to keep going or turn around but pushed on, determined to make it to the top.


Mount Manaia Track view on the way up

big boulder on the Mount Manaia Track

Mount Manaia Track boardwalk



The whole way up there was lots to keep the kids entertained, they were constantly asking, “Can we stop here?” We like to let the kids lead so had a few stops to play.



kids playing in-between the boulders

big boulders along the Mount Manaia Track

boy walking along the walking track



The final steps to the top. These guys are champions!



kids enjoying the view on top of Mount Manaia



Finally making it to the top and what a view!



Mount Manaia Track viewpoint

Mount Manaia Track

kids up the mount

Mount Manaia



It felt pretty high up here! We looked down and watched the cars driving along the road, the small houses and the harbour in the distance. Wow!


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