About | Mangapohue Natural Bridge

700m | 20 min loop

The Mangapohue Natural Bridge is an absolutely stunning limestone gorge that passes underneath a 17-metre high natural arch. The 17-metre limestone arch is all that remains of an ancient cave system. Walking through, you won’t believe how naturally beautiful it is. Inside the Mangapohue Natural Bridge there’ll be a viewing platform at the top, check out the amazing stalactites! Carrying on, the track takes you through where marker posts will guide the way. While you’re on your way, try spotting the 25 million-year-old fossiled oysters exposed in the limestone outcrops!

There are two other short walks only minutes away that are worth stopping for as well. The Marokopa Falls walk takes you to an impressive 35m waterfall and the Piripiri Cave Walk takes you down some stairs and into a cool cave.

It is pushchair and wheelchair accessible until the bottom of the natural bridge. From there, there are steps going to the top of the natural bridge and then across farmland.

No dogs.



Marokopa Falls

Piripiri Cave Walk

Marokopa Beach

Kiritehere Beach

Waitomo Caves



Along Te Anga Road. You’ll see the DOC sign and a small carpark.




the DOC roadside sign for Mangapohue Natural Bridge

frost in the early morning going over the bridge


Frost! We live in Auckland so we don’t see frost like this often. Magical!


sign saying that the natural bridge 5 minutes away

the Mangapohue Natural Bridge track runs alongside the limestone gorge

a family favourite walk

swing bridges along the track


There’s a cool swing bridge along the track, the kids were at first a little afraid crossing it, but then they absoblutley loved it!


swing bridges along the Mangapohue Natural Bridge track

walking next to limestone cliff


The walk here was stunning. I loved every bit of this walk, so dreamy!


it's a beautiful walk


The track runs alongside the gorge, there’s limestone cliff to one side, and a stream running through down below on the other.


entering the Mangapohue Natural Bridge, with the morning light streaming in


The Mangapohue Natural Bridge was definitely my highlight that day! It was great coming so early in the morning and seeing that lovely light streaming in as well.


getting a family photo in front of the Mangapohue Natural Bridge

stairs going up to the Mangapohue Natural Bridge


underneath the Mangapohue Natural Bridge


And there it is. The natural bridge.


the track goes over farmland


Out the other side and onto farmland with some cool rocks to explore.


kids climbing rocks

exploring the rocks

rocky farmland

waitomo farmland














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